For many years the local music scene has gone from one big fad to the next. From the point that i started going to local shows, it started off with the emo scene to screamo, and from there to what is now called the hardcore scene. It should be know that the hardcore that is popular now shouldn't be confused with the real hardcore bands such as terror, casey jones, or one life crew. The bands that are flying this new "hardcore" flag are bands that have completely strayed away from the genre's roots such as bands like attack attack! and emmure.
It has become very annoying to go to a local show and see three or four bands play after one another and have the exact same sound. "Nothing but heaviest crap we can think of!" Is what people usually tend to think. Construction and progression is something the seems to be completely void of their mind when writing music, the only thing they need are breakdowns! Yet the people, mainly the younger kids, are fooled by these bands to think that what they are listening to is hardcore. While the RGV doesn't have too many bands that should be looked as being actual hardcore bands that have been around for a while like dtd, trust in blood, regulate, and walk the graves, there is still hope. Thanks to Adam Gonzalez, the promoter and booker for VTHC(valley texas hardcore) and who has brought down a lot of hardcore bands through out the past few years, keeps bringing down bands that will hopefully inspire some people to realize that there is a lot of confusion around our local scene.
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