Imagine how awful it would be to discover that your child had been sexually assaulted by their pediatrician. To make matters worse, you find out that the same pediatrician had also assaulted more than one hundred other children. That nightmare has become a reality for many parents in Delaware. You can read more about this tragic story here:
People like this should be punished, better yet tortured for what they do. It's just sickening reading about people like this. I agree with Mr. Piazza that there should be some kind of public execution for these people that way others will think twice before committing such a horrible crime.
Tonight I watched an excellent program on television about Johnny Cash. He is someone I have deep respect for. The program talked about how he battled the demons of addiction all of his adult life. In spite of this constant battle, he wrote over 1000 songs and released over 50 albums of music. His music was and still is loved by many people all around the world. There are many things I appreciate about Johnny; his independence, his patriotism, his love for his family, and his music. He was not afraid to stand against popular opinion. I have to admit that I got choked up when they played his last music video, which is a cover of a Nine Inch Nails song. Do yourself a favor and watch the video below.
johnny Cash is a great musician, and probably one of my greater influences for when it comes to me writing songs, although you probably wouldn't be able to tell by listening to my songs. You can check out one of my bands here. The thing that i like the most about Johnny is the fact that he liked playing fast, or at least what was considered fast back in those days.
Through out the years we have seen movies get jam packed with wild and crazy special effects. They create characters rendered by computers to give viewers a better idea of the character is suppose to look like. In some cases the special effects can give an idea of what some may hope for the way the future will look like.
While it may be true that special effect have helped out the movie industries with needed to do much outside of a green a screen. In some cases, for me at least, i have seen a very disturbing wall of real and non real objects that completely ruin the movie for me. In some other cases i would say that producers and directors rely too much on the special effects that they don't even notice that the actors they got aren't doing that great of a job. Older movies that don't have cgi effects on them some times tend to be a whole lot better than movies today.
I have heard a lot of people say that everyone has a soul mate in this world, and that your meeting and future with this significant other other has been predestined. Many other people believe that love will conquer all, nothing can stand in its way. People will believe that their love life can end up being like a movie... Well they've been watching the wrong films.
Truth be told, not too many people can say they have met their soul mate, and if they did, they're probably not with them or wont end up with them. A lot of the time people will think that the first person they loose "it" to is gonna be the person they spend their life with. I have seen too many people get hurt due to these ideas, and they always seem to get this form of thinking from movies and stories. People should start thinking on they're own, and realize that life isn't a fairy tale.
Here's some more truth for ya. Love will not conquer all. If a girl has the option of picking between some she really "loves" and all that dude can offer is his "heart and soul" and some other dude who can offer her a strong financial security, the girl will undoubtedly pick the dude with the cash. Lets face it, girls are shallow and would much rather live in a mansion than a small house in the suburbs. Don't get me wrong guys can be shallow too, but for the most part its all they'll care about is looks. We wont care too much about money or cars.
Video games have been said to deprive someone of their imagination and creative thinking. They force kids to stay inside and remain inactive as they sit on the couch and force junk food down their throats. Video games force people to become anti social and loose all grips on reality. These are all complaints i've heard through out my life because of what a small percentage of people go through, it is expected that everyone will go through it.
As far as i have experienced in my own life, video games have not only caused some people to become critical thinkers and great strategist on their own, but in most cases in these recent years team work has also started to play a big part in playing the games. Video games have also sparked awesome ideas in people to create even better games, stories, and art. Video game tournaments and conventions allow people to meet others who might share their passion in video games thus creating long lasting friendships. Even just playing a game with someone could be an awesome icebreaker or could cut the awkwardness out of uncomfortable situations. People shouldn't judge others for what they themselves have yet to experience. I use ign as my main video game resource.
family playing video games:
For many years the local music scene has gone from one big fad to the next. From the point that i started going to local shows, it started off with the emo scene to screamo, and from there to what is now called the hardcore scene. It should be know that the hardcore that is popular now shouldn't be confused with the real hardcore bands such as terror, casey jones, or one life crew. The bands that are flying this new "hardcore" flag are bands that have completely strayed away from the genre's roots such as bands like attack attack! and emmure.
It has become very annoying to go to a local show and see three or four bands play after one another and have the exact same sound. "Nothing but heaviest crap we can think of!" Is what people usually tend to think. Construction and progression is something the seems to be completely void of their mind when writing music, the only thing they need are breakdowns! Yet the people, mainly the younger kids, are fooled by these bands to think that what they are listening to is hardcore. While the RGV doesn't have too many bands that should be looked as being actual hardcore bands that have been around for a while like dtd, trust in blood, regulate, and walk the graves, there is still hope. Thanks to Adam Gonzalez, the promoter and booker for VTHC(valley texas hardcore) and who has brought down a lot of hardcore bands through out the past few years, keeps bringing down bands that will hopefully inspire some people to realize that there is a lot of confusion around our local scene.
regulate promotional video:
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